Flower Gifting Ideas by RussianFlora.com


How To Say ‘I Love You’ In Different Languages

Have you ever found yourself wanting to tell someone I love you in a different language? In today’s interconnected world, it’s not a rare occasion to fall for someone who lives in a different country. Embracing cultural diversity can deepen your connection and understanding of your partner. Learning to express your feelings in their native language is a beautiful way to show your care and commitment. When it comes to true love, language should not stand as an obstacle. With our international flower delivery service you can say I love you in blooms too! Here’s a quick guide on how to say I love you in different languages. Just follow this list below. 

How to Say I Love You in Different Languages

How to Say I Love You In Different Languages

Arabic Ana Behibak
Bulgarian Obicham Te
Canadian Sh’teme
Chinese Wo Ie Ni
Croatian Ljubim Te
Czech Miluji Te
Danish Jeg Elsker Dig
Dutch Ik Hou Van Jou
Estonian Mina Armastan Sind
Filipino Mahal Kita
Finnish Mina” Rakastan Sinua
Flemish Ik Zie Oe Geerne
French Je T’aime
German Ich Liebe Dich
Greek S’ Agapo
Hebrew Ani Ohev Otach (to Female)
Hebrew Ani Ohevet Otcha (to Male)
Hindi Mai tumse Pyar karta hoon (to Female)/Mai tumse Pyar karti hoon (to Male)
Hungarian Szeretlek
Icelandic Eg Elska Thig
Indonesian Saja Kasih Saudari
Irish Taim I’ Ngra Leat
Italian Ti Amo (Relationship/Lover/Spouse)
Japanese Kimi O Ai Shiteru
Latvian Ess Milu Tevi
Lisbon Gramo-Te Bue’, Chavalinha
Lithuanian Tave Myliu (Ta-Ve Mee-Lyu)
Macedonian Sakam Te!
Norwegian Jeg Elsker Deg (Yai Elske Dai)
Polish Kocham Cie
Portuguese (Brazilian) Eu Te Amo
Romanian Te Iu Besc
Russian Ya Tebya Liubliu
Serbian Lubim Te
Slovak Lubim Ta
Spanish Te Quiero
Swedish Jag A’Lskar Dig
Thai Ch’an Rak Khun
Turkish Seni Seviyo*Rum (* means O)
Ukrainian Ja Tebe Kokhaju (true love)
Vietnamese Em Ye’U Anh (to Man)/Anh Ye’U Em (to Woman)
Welsh Rwy’n Dy Garu Di
Yugoslavian Ya Te Volim

How to Say I Love You in Different Languages and Express Your Love with Flowers

Romantic flowers and romantic gift baskets stand as timeless expressions of affection, each bloom and every carefully chosen item whispering those three magic words in a multitude of unspoken languages. Sending flowers overseas is easy with RussianFlora. To add an element of personal choice and surprise, consider including gift certificates in categories tailored to her interests. Explore gifts for her, perfume gifts, or the option to build a custom gift basket.

You’ve learned how to say I love You in Different Languages: What’s Next?

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