Flower Gifting Ideas by RussianFlora.com


Flowers for Valentine’s Day

Articles about floral and gift ideas for Valentine’s Day.

Valentine Flower Ideas: Our Favorite February Floral Collections

As February unfolds, it brings with it a tapestry of celebrations. From the romantic whispers of Valentine’s Day to the empowering echoes of Women’s Day. And, let’s not forget the heartwarming embrace of Mothering Sunday. This year, our February Floral Collections are curated to showcase valentine flower ideas that will ignite the flames of romance, and honor the influential women in our lives. From the deep reds of passionate roses, to the elegant whites of serene orchids. Each arrangement is designed to convey a spectrum of sentiments towards your loved one.

As we delve into the beauty and symbolism of these floral gifts. We invite you to explore how each bouquet can be a messenger of your feelings and can be perfectly suited for the upcoming occasions. If you’re rekindling a romantic spark or celebrating the special woman in your life, our February floral collections are a wonderful choice!

A collection of red and pink blooms are wonderful for valentine flower ideas.

The Secret Life of Flowers: Red Rose Symbolism

“Roses are red, violets are blue, these perfect flowers are from my heart, to you!” There are few things in life as simple and significant as flowers. Not only are they beautiful, but they also carry a deep wisdom and historical significance. It has been used to convey feelings of affection, sorrow and remorse for thousands of years. In celebration of the month of love, we want to take a closer look at one of the most romantic flowers in the world – the red rose. 

Oozing deep passion and velvet affection, this flower might just be the lucky ticket into your crush’s heart. But before you hit the “deliver” button, let’s highlight red rose symbolism. The red rose is a symbol of love and passion, making it the most popular flower for romantic occasions. In this blog post, we will delve into red rose symbolism and explore its history and cultural significance. 

Red rose symbolism: a bunch of roses wrapped in red ribbon

Sweetest Day: Unique Ways to Send Love

It is said that you always gain by giving more love, and by giving more, you will never lose. We express our love in many ways, but our goal is always to show appreciation for those we care about most. Every day is an opportunity to showcase our love in small ways, but occasionally there are special days that encourage us to spread kindness as far and wide as possible. Then Sweetest Day is one of those occasions! 

Held on the third Saturday of October, the Sweetest Day is a day of showing appreciation with gifts of candy or gestures of kindness to those you care about or anyone who could use a little more sweetness in their lives! While the tradition started with gifting candy and sweets to family and friends, the day is laced with lessons of caring for others in need and doing small things. It is a day that reminds us that even the smallest acts of kindness can improve the lives of those around us. Let’s take a closer look at Sweetest Day and how Russian Flora can help you celebrate. 

Sweetest Day: Purple macarons and pink flowers.

The Secret Life of Flowers – 5 Orchid Facts to Surprise You

Is there a more mysterious flower than the orchid? People have tried everything, including ice cubes in their pots, to grow them. With blooms that look like everything from monkeys to lions, and even little men, these gorgeous plants have long fascinated florists and flower-lovers alike.  Orchid bouquets have even become popular as exotic romantic gifts. Would you believe that orchids are even stranger than you could have imagined? We’re here to prove it to you, and teach a little more about the amazing orchid. So without further ado, here are 5 facts about orchids we think will surprise you!

Flower Meanings in China_Orchids for Friendship

Don’t Shoot Cupid – Valentine’s Day Cliches You Should Pay Attention To

It’s here again, Valentine’s Day. A day that people have so many mixed feelings about it’s a wonder it’s still known the world over as the most romantic day of the year. So, what is it about February 14th? Here’s a secret from me to you, I don’t get it either. I don’t have anything against Valentine’s Day mind you, but I don’t see why one day should get to have all the romance and fun. Aren’t you supposed to love the person you’re with year-round?

That’s a trick question, the answer is yes. Don’t think on that too hard.

So, if love is year-round, why shove all your dreams into one day, one day that isn’t even super unique to you and your love by the way. Unless you got engaged or something on Valentine’s in which case congrats. Your anniversary is that much more impossible to forget.

Now, this isn’t to say to not celebrate Valentine’s Day (we do sell flowers after all, I’d get fired for saying don’t celebrate). But I think, maybe, just maybe, you should make Valentine’s Day work for you. Even if you hate it. Or if you’ve never celebrated it before. And even if yes, this year, you’re single, and you wish Cupid would just shove it! Rather than shoot the messenger lets take a look at some of the Valentine’s Day Clichés that have helped this holiday last so long and figure out how they could make any day, even a random Monday, a little more filled with love and joy.

Date Night

You Forgot Valentine’s Day, Now What?

It’s the big day and you’ve just woken up in cold sweat realizing that you totally forgot Valentine’s Day? Let’s admit, in the midst of all the commercial frenzy of pink hearts, plush teddy bears and red roses that starts right after New Year’s it’s not that easy to stay oblivious, but hey, things happen. Maybe you were too busy working in the past couple of months, went out of town, were subconsciously trying to avoid a holiday that celebrates a saint’s massacre. Or, god forbid, got abducted by aliens who erased your memory of all the upcoming slobbery celebrations…Okay, it might be all of these excuses are pretty lame. But just because you messed up does not mean that you can’t save the day.

St. Valentines Day concept. Wine, roses and gift box on wooden table

5 Tips To Make Cheap Valentine’s Day Flowers Look Amazing

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner which means it’s time for flower shops, big and small, to make an extra buck on your love. Well, maybe not this time. Keep on reading to find out how you can buy inexpensive Valentine’s Day flowers and transform them into fancy-looking blooms that look worth double the actual price. Even though money is often a difficult obstacle to overcome on Valentine’s Day, the last thing you want is to give your special someone a flower arrangement that is anything less than amazing. In the spirit of spreading the love, we’re giving away some insider to secrets to show you exactly how to do that!

Don't let Valentine's Day flowers break your bank

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