Bouquet to Minsk Belarus testimonial

Bouquet to Minsk, Belarus

Really a professional company, delivery arrangement very good. Although the recipient was not available at the time I wanted she to receive the flowers, they contacted her and it was not a problem to deliver later for 3 days when she was available, nor extra payment was requested. Keeping up to date the customer with useful information regarding the delivery status using at least daily e-mail messages is also a good point.


See our full flowers to Belarus catalog at our website

Flowers to Minsk, Belarus

“All I can say, is “THANK-YOU”.  I just received a call from my Loved One, and she was so pleased by the BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS AND THE PERSON WHO DELIVERED THEM, was WONDERFUL.  It made that special day she missed on the 14th even better today, because it was like she had a VERY SPECIAL DAY all to herself.

Thank-you and I look forward to future business with you!


Lawrence H.

See the full flowers to Belarus catalog at our website

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