Grandma’s Flower Garden: Flowers Your Grandparents Will Cherish This Grandparent’s Day
In my younger years, I would often spend weeks upon weeks at my grandparent’s house, anticipating homemade donuts, shopping mall outings, and, to my mom’s dismay, gaining in-depth knowledge about my grandfather’s tobacco pipe (for the record, I never smoked it!) To me, my grandparents are the 8th wonder of the world, and just like you would a flower, they nurtured me into the kind, loving, and slightly neurotic, adult I am today.
To be honest, Grandparents Day does ring a bell, but I’ve never really known much about it, let alone celebrated it. But, considering how much I adore my grandparents, I’m definitely glad I did some digging. If you’ve clicked on this article, I’m sure you feel the same about your golden oldies. Read below as I tell you more about Grandparents Day and how you can celebrate with flowers with the help of Russian Flora.

Grandma’s Flower Garden: Flowers Your Grandparents Will Cherish This Grandparent’s DayRead More »

Alex is a hopeless romantic who was supposed to be born in Italy (her dream destination), but proud to be South African nonetheless. She lives by her heart, and, consequentially, leaves a little bit of herself in everything she writes. She wholeheartedly believes that mermaids (and fairies) exist and is deadly afraid of the age ’30’.