The Lotus: The National Flower of India
The national flower of India, lotus is a sacred and worship-worthy in different religious groups across various regions for time immemorial. Held in high esteem as the symbol of enlightenment and new beginnings, the lotus blossoms out of the muddiest waters yet embodies such purity and beauty – the complete opposite of the environment in which it thrives. Often mistaken for water lilies, lotuses have different structures and only come in hues of pink and white, while lilies come in an abundance of shades. According to some reports, like animals, lotuses can control their temperatures and exist almost independently of their surroundings. It’s no wonder why they’re so characteristically mystical!
Did you know that lotus tattoos are popular amongst people who’ve traveled down life’s darkest tunnels and finally saw the light? These gorgeous flowers don’t only flatter valley beds and look amazing in vases but also represent reemergence. Revered for their resilience and beauty, lotuses remind us that even when surrounded by gloom, the sparks of hope in us can reignite and awaken our light. In this blog, we briefly touch on the history of India and the lotus, highlight some modern-day uses of this beautifully mystical flower, and throw in some DIY flower tips. Keen? Keep scrolling!
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Nolly is a digital head that’s spun by amazing content, and she does a little happy dance when brands get it right. She has six solid years of creative digital account management and writing experience, and can say hi in at least 14 languages. Careful not to ask her to tell you a story though because once she starts, it’s difficult to stop!