Flower Gifting Ideas by RussianFlora.com


July 2019

Feria de Las Flores: Festival Of the Flowers in Colombia

If in your mind Colombian city of Medellín is strongly associated with infamous drug lord Pablo Escobar, it’s time to crush the old stereotype. These days, it’s the flowers in Colombia that they’re more famous for, and the transformation is truly remarkable. The second largest flower supplier in the world, Medellín  is home to the largest international flower festival in the world. It’s called Feria de las Flores, or in English, the Festival of the Flowers.

In the beginning of August, when the “city of eternal spring” Medellín blooms in all its splendor and the streets are flooded with flowers in Colombia, it is the beginning of the famous 10-day festival. Feria de las Flores celebrates not only the country’s floral heritage, but also the country’s diversity.

Festival Of the Flowers in Medellin, Colombia

Plum Blossom: China’s National Flower

In the long tapestry of Chinese history, flowers have always had a special place. Still, only the Plum Blossom has become China’s National Flower. Considered deeply symbolic, flowers are present in every aspect of life in China. This is evident in everything from art and folklore to everyday life. Even though peonies, chrysanthemums and orchids also play an important role for Chinese people, plum blossoms are the clear winners. Extremely popular both for its beauty and benefits, Chinese officials crowned plum blossoms the national flower on July, 21 1964. This decree replaced another national favorite, the peony, on the flower pedestal. Let’s take a deeper look at China’s national flower.

Plum Blossom: China’s National Flower

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