Expert Tips for Flower Gifting

By Delivering Flowers to Russia and Worldwide

What Women Want – A Guide To International Women’s Day

During International Women’s Day many females focus on such feminist values as equality, respect and acknowledgement. But regardless of their ambitions women still remain women and want to be treated as such. It means that they do want their men to be feminist allies who wish for their woman’s success as much as their own. They also want their partners to recognize their strengths and accomplishments. But just as much as they want to feel independent and acknowledged, they want to feel loved, cared for and, well, to be happy. So, what can you do to ensure your special someone’s happiness and peace of mind? What are the specific things women want for Women’s Day from their partners? Here’s our guide to International Women’s Day to help you find out.


A Guide To International Women’s Day by RussianFlora

You Forgot Valentine’s Day, Now What?

It’s the big day and you’ve just woken up in cold sweat realizing that you totally forgot Valentine’s Day? Let’s admit, in the midst of all the commercial frenzy of pink hearts, plush teddy bears and red roses that starts right after New Year’s it’s not that easy to stay oblivious, but hey, things happen. Maybe you were too busy working in the past couple of months, went out of town, were subconsciously trying to avoid a holiday that celebrates a saint’s massacre. Or, god forbid, got abducted by aliens who erased your memory of all the upcoming slobbery celebrations…Okay, it might be all of these excuses are pretty lame. But just because you messed up does not mean that you can’t save the day.

St. Valentines Day concept. Wine, roses and gift box on wooden table

January Birth Flower – The Carnation

The Carnation is a flower that can bloom during cold winter months. Making it the obvious, and beautiful, choice for the January birth flower! An incredibly fitting choice for celebrating January birthdays, this pretty bloom with ruffled petals was once one of the most popular flower in the world. Over the past decade or so carnations, undeservedly started losing popularity. However they are already making their much-anticipated comeback. More and more people now realize that there’s much more to carnations than just being a filler flower in seasonal arrangements. A wide array of vibrant colors, a delicate clove-like scent, and stylish but hardy blooms known to last for over two weeks (talk about getting your money’s worth) all make carnations a great choice for birthday bouquets and festive flower arrangements.

January Birth Flower - Carnations in a candle

How to Set New Year Goals: Inspire Positivity With Flowers

The question of New Year goals and resolutions is always in the air this time of year. December is all about reflecting upon the past year. But it is also the most hopeful month: full of optimism, dreams and good intentions. Many people wait until New Year to start new habits because a new calendar year gives us a clean slate. And while it’s not always best to put off until tomorrow what you can do today, setting New Year goals is a tradition that can inspire you to become a better version of yourself.

How to Set New Year Goals - Dream Big

December Birth Flower – The Poinsettia

A cold winter month full of warm holiday memories, December would not  be complete without a symbolic Poinsettia plant. This vibrant flower, with brilliant red and green star-shaped leaves, is not only a fitting tribute to joyful winter holidays. It is also the December birth flower. A beacon of love and joy, the Poinsettia will fill the home of those born in December with cheery vibes and promises of a blessed month ahead. The scientific name for the Poinsettia is “Euphorbia pulcherrima,” which means “very beautiful.”

Do your nearest and dearest December born recipients deserve a beautiful birthday flower gift? Then the Poinsettia is just the right flower for them!


The Best Flowers to Send to UAE

United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a rich land full of a whole mesh of cultures, food, spices, clothes, and yes flowers. Traditionally the heat was a huge deterrent to a lot of plants. However with greenhouses, a little extra TLC, and some gardening magic many plants are able to thrive in the area. This has made flower bouquets a particularly special gift to give someone because of the time, effort, and care that o into making sure the blooms are perfect.

So what flowers should you send? The most popular bouquets to UAE really depend on who you are sending the flowers to and why. To help we’ve listed some of the most popular flowers below, along with their meanings and suggestions on just who you should send them to.

Flower Basket

November Birth Flower – The Chrysanthemum

The November birth flower, Chrysanthemum is one of the most popular flowers in the world. Revered as the queen of fall, this radiant flower is a symbol of joy and optimism. With Russian Flora, you can share the happiness that chrysanthemums represent with your loved ones around the globe. Our service ensures that your heartfelt gestures, embodied by these radiant blooms, reach your dear ones no matter the distance, making every occasion, from birthdays to anniversaries, even more special.

Often referred to as “mums” or “chrysanths”, the November birth flower derives its name from the Greek words “chrysos” meaning gold, and “anthos”, translating to flower. While the most traditional chrysanthemum colors are predominantly red and yellow, cultivators have developed a wide range of hues, from pristine white to deep purple and even multicolored varieties. Now there are around 50 wild species of chrysanthemums and thousands of bred varieties all featuring a bright yellow center and lush pompom-shaped petals.

Yellow Chrysanthemums
Mums (Chrysanthemum spp.)

Symbolic Flower Meanings in China

China is one of the most flower loving countries in the world. Its five-thousand-year-long history is infused with floral customs. Flowers are also a popular theme in traditional Chinese art and poetry. Most ancient paintings center around national favorites like plum blossoms, peonies, chrysanthemum, azaleas, and orchids. Although China doesn’t have one single National Flower, the pretty blooming plants have a privileged position in Chinese culture each carrying its own symbolism. Here’s your guide to the most popular flower meanings in China.

China's national favorite flowers are plum blossoms, peonies, chrysanthemum, azaleas, and orchids

October Birth Flower – The Marigold

A captivating pompom-like flower, marigolds are some of the most exciting among fall blooms. Also known as the “herb of the sun” or “sun’s bride,” marigolds play a prominent role in many celebrations worldwide. The bold and vibrant fall-colored shades of orange, yellow and burgundy also make it a popular choice in seasonal bouquets. But did you know that these beauties are also the October birth flower?


Flower Traditions in Mexico: Mexico’s Most Popular Flowers

People in Mexico enjoy a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors from beautiful blooming plants that grow there year-round. Local people seem unable to exist without flowers in their everyday lives. Home gardens, markets, shrines and altars blaze with colorful bouquets and smothered in blossoms during holidays. There are usually bouquets and flower pots in every Mexican home, any time of the year. Flowers are among the best gifts to send to Mexico (coming close only to tequila). Here is our guide to Mexico’s most popular flowers and when you should send them.

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